Ooof that last stanza, that last moment.

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Jun 15Liked by Tara Connor

I was thinking the same! Oof!

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Thanks for reading, David. 😊

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Jun 27Liked by Tara Connor

Here after 15th Century Feminist post. Goodness. My father in law passed away last week and this brought up all the feels. I want to thank you for your beautiful comment under Lindsey's post as well. My wife read it and for the first time she actually left a comment under it! Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for being you!

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Oh, Marc, I'm so sorry about your father in law. What a lot for you guys to handle all at once. I'm glad you've got such a solid foundation in each other, and all that daily joy with Myles in good medicine. Wishing you both comfort. Thanks so much for reading and being here.

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Thanks for sharing this. So tricky to write of difficult things. Interesting to hear you were tinkering with it for a while, a more stubborn one perhaps. But you've really brought his story and your backstory vividly to life here. That last stanza got me too. It's lovely to hear the evolvement of this paternal role in your life.

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Sending love this weekend for every version of you that has worked through this grief. ❤️ What a beautiful poem, thank you for sharing that, and your dad, with us! As someone who uses any thing and every thing as a bookmark, I SEE him.

"These days we’d say he struggled with depression. Back then, well, nobody said much of anything. He wasn’t unkind or angry, but he was unavailable, locked down, stoic. He was from a generation that didn’t talk about feelings and the people who knew him when he was younger and different were either gone or no longer in his life. There was nobody left to call him back to himself." - How very isolating that must have felt, I grief for the generations of men that felt unknown. Thank you for writing that.

I appreciate you so much, Tara. Thank you for including me in that end note. I've been struggling with health issues and writing has felt impossible. That message was exactly what my heart needed. Thank you. ❤️

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So sorry you've been feeling unwell. Did I see you mention migraines somewhere? I've been there. So sorry. I hope you're resting and returning to yourself. Because to me migraines are so disorienting, I feel like part of my self has left the chat. Wishing you a return to feeling whole. xoxo

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Beautiful and heartbreaking, Tara. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks so much for reading, Kristine. 🤗

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This poem is simply stunning. The images are so precise. I feel like I'm right there.

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LeeAnn, what a compliment! Thank you so much. I'm honored. 😊

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A very sweet and honest tribute. Nicely done 💚

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Thanks, Brian. I really appreciate you being here.

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Jun 14Liked by Tara Connor

Beautiful, Tara. Thank you for spreading awareness of the challenges that men face, and for pointing out the lovely fathers in your life today!

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Thanks, Mike. I hope you had a lovely Father's Day. 😊

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