Ah! Billy Collins! Several years ago I enjoyed a luncheon during which he read a dozen or so poems and shared his process notes. Engrossing! And then he signed my chapbook. His grace enamored me. Thank you for highlighting him here. As a coastal city dweller, I have always had great respect for sea creatures, but "Remarkably Bright Creatures” amplified that love and I have not since looked at an octopus in the same way. It is a opening, deepening kind of book. Enjoy!

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Oh, wow! What a wonderful thing it must have been to hear him read his work in person! I'm so happy for you that you had that experience. And yes about the octopus, too. I read the most wonderful article about octopuses a few years ago, so much so that I read it aloud to my family over dinner one night. Remarkable creatures, indeed. Thanks so much for reading!

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Oh, wow, Tara, thank you for such a kind shout-out! Your comments on my poems have been so thoughtful and sustaining. I was looking forward to your Billy Collins piece today, but did NOT expect to see my name here! 😊

I love this post and your poem — you have a very gentle way of calling attention to emotions that are difficult to name. And I love the humor you bring to your work — I, too, know the word-nerdy pain of a crossword that "capitulated too easily"! Both of these techniques — the gentle attention to the un-nameable and the humor — are quite Collins-esque, and they are both things you do well.

I do have one question: I am criminally unfamiliar with the work of Nicola Walker. Where should I begin?!

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Thank you, thank you for the kind comments. Don't you love finding new poets on Substack?!? I was so happy to come across your writing. As I think I said, I am so taken with your skill with brevity. I have a tendency to go on and on. I need to read people like you (and my daughter, too, actually- she writes these perfect, tiny poems) who do so much with so few words. It's inspiring and gives me courage to edit my work a bit more mercilessly. Nicola Walker is a British actress. She manages to be broody and funny all at the same time. She's just a treat to watch. Look for her in Unforgotten and Annika. Thanks so much for reading. Really looking forward to reading more of your poetry.

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Yes, finding and connecting with poets here is great! I do wish there was easier discovery (like a Poetry category), but on the other hand it's really fun to stumble across a poet, see who they're following, find another poet, see who they're following, etc...

I actually don't remember how I found your work here, Tara, but I'm really glad I did. 😊

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Hola , Me Encanto Tú Poema. Cada Cierto Tiempo , Releo A Federico García Lorca: Poeta En Nueva York 1929. Un Saludo.

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Thank you! I had a professor once who loved Lorca. But I haven't read his work. There must be good translations out there. I'm adding to my list. Thank you for the recommendation and for reading!

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I'd have to say I am a big fan of Don Patterson's writing. I picked up his collection Rain a few years back and connected immediately with his style and tone, possibly since it felt grounded in science in some way (not overtly but, something about it is just.. aware of it all, the bigger picture) and i connect with that.

In particular I enjoy his poem The Wave which I think has a touch of his wit of observation and that how he uses physics while personifying this energy flow in such a clever way:


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Thank you so much for sharing this. It's beautiful. I just requested Rain from the library. I can't wait to read more.

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Thanks for the shout out :) Remarkably Bright Creatures is on my library hold shelf because I ALWAYS fall for hype, lol.

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In this instance, I think it's worth the hype. It's not mind blowingly beautiful prose - we can't all be Hilary Mantel- but it's a great story with wonderfully flawed but sympathetic characters and a clever mystery. I hope you enjoy it!

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